3941 Kathy Lane Grawn, MI, 49637 | PO BOX 180 Grawn, MI 49637
At Dave’s Dust Control we provide dust control services for both commercial and residential roads, driveways and parking lots.
Our solution, Pep Dilute 33%, offers a unique layer of protection for your driveway or parking lot.
Visit the link below to read more about Dave’s Dust Control product:
Where there's dust, there's deterioration. Dusts super fine particles are not able to serve as binding agents to hold road surfaces together, resulting in exposed and unstable aggregate that gives away with every passing vehicle or rain storm causing ruts and pot holes. Our product attracts moisture from the air which brings together fine particles and aggregate so roads remain hard, durable, smooth and most important of all, SAFE!
Dusty roads, driveways, and parking lots can cause poor visibility, poor traction, and difficulty stopping as tires can’t grip loose dirt or gravel. Dusty/loose dirt, gravel roads can cause vehicles loose control or kick up particles such as loose stones or gravel, putting other drivers or people in the area in danger. Dust control improves these conditions and the safety of motorists and pedestrians.
With dust control, fine dust particles are prevented from becoming airborne and causing health issues or damaging crops and vegetation. Improving fresh air and less likely to experience respiratory and other health problems related to dust inhalation. Dust control also keeps dust particles from reaching streams and water ways where they can develop sediment levels dangerous to aquatic life.
Better roads means less need for repairs and less cost in labor and materials. Over time our product builds up an asphalt like base. Effective dust control can reduce the overall cost of keeping unpaved roads in acceptable condition by as much as 30%.
Did you know that unpaved roads left untreated can result in far worse problems then a dusty, dirty vehicle? Untreated roads can cause windshield damage, chipped paint, as well as suspension, steering, and long-term wear and tear issues. Dust control reduces damage to your vehicle as well as the cost from damaged vehicles.
Reduces Dust in Your Home or Business.
Emulsified asphalt has low viscosity at the ambient temperature, it generally can be used without additional heat and is diluted 3:1 with water. These factors tend to make emulsified asphalt more energy-efficient and less costly then cut-back asphalt. Application of asphalt emulsion dust control reduces maintenance grading costs from 25%-75%. The emulsion significantly reduces gravel loss and sediment run off. The asphalt emulsion results in a higher quality of life and property values for those working and living next to a treated road, reducing dust related health problems and cleaning cost. Asphalt emulsions are economical, environmentally friendly and can be formulated with a number of additives for enhancing end use properties. Unlike chlorides which is far from the most environmentally friendly product on the market. Chlorides are highly corrosive to metal surfaces, they can contaminate sources of water, as it more easily absorbs into the soil and harms vegetation, as well as put humans and wildlife at risk. Wildlife are known to have “salt cravings” and therefore are attracted to salted highways which can be a traffic hazard to both the animals and motorists.
Contact us today for more information about our dust control services: (231) 943-4090
(231) 943-0857
3941 Kathy Lane Grawn, MI, 49637
PO BOX 180 Grawn, MI 49637